What is Delta 10 THC?
You may have heard of Delta-8 and Delta-9, but what is Delta 10?
Delta 10 THC: What Is It and What Does It Do?
You may be familiar with Delta-9 THC, and possibly even Delta-8 THC, but what is Delta-10? You may think that you have an idea about Delta-10 THC, but we’re here to tell you everything you need to know about the newest Delta product.
The chemical structure of delta 9, delta 8, and delta 10 THC differs only with a few atomic bonds.
So exactly what is Delta-10? Delta-10 is a powerful cannabinoid that is native to hemp and cannabis. It’s very similar to Delta-8 THC in the way it’s used; the THC is extracted from the plant, then the Delta-10 is isolated and made into a distillate. That distillate is then added during the creation of products and features less than 0.3% Delta-9-THC. There is almost no Delta-9 THC in hemp and substantially less Delta-10. This is what makes it so intriguing—and it’s also why it’s starting to garner tons of attention from the people.
To create both Delta-8 and Delta-10 THC, CBD oil is first extracted from legally grown hemp. The extracted CBD oil is then processed into either Delta-10 THC or Delta-8 THC through series of a chemical processes and reactions ultimately resulting in either, D8 or D10.
How Does Delta 10 THC Affect The Body?
While very little research has been done on its mechanism of action in the body, Delta-10 THC likely interacts with the endocannabinoid system in a similar way as other THC compound. Delta-9 THC and Delta-8 THC have binding affinities towards CB1 receptors in the brain and nervous system, which produce varying levels of psychotropic effects. Delta-10 may interact similarly with CB1 receptors at high concentrations.
According to anecdotal reports, Delta 10 resembles the effect of sativa cannabis strains. Meanwhile, Delta 8’s effects are anecdotally said to lean more on the Indica strains axis.
Does delta 10 THC get you high?
Yes. Since delta 10 is a form of THC, it has the potential to get you high. A delta 10 high is said to be less intense than delta 9 and delta 8. It’s also said to be more of a head buzz than a full-body high. Delta 10 THC tends to have a weaker affinity for binding to the CB1 receptors, resulting in milder effects. According to some users, the effects of delta 10 are more akin to Sativa high versus an Indica one, typically with less paranoia and anxiety.
Will You Fail A Drug Test If You Take Delta 10 THC?
Delta-10 THC will appear in a urinalysis and may not be discernible from Delta-9. Long story short, better to be safe on this one.
When taking Delta-10 THC, it’s important to understand that Delta-10 is a type of THC, despite the fact that it’s not typically viewed as marijuana. What you’ll typically find is that most drug tests are searching for any form of THC in your system. Standard drug tests normally don’t test for only Delta-9 THC, which is the type of THC that is found to be unlawful on a federal level. So, you should probably continue with caution in case you are subject to frequent drug tests. In other words, yes—you can fail a drug test if you’re using Delta-10 THC.
This is important because many people are unaware that you can actually fail a drug test even if you use CBD. This is why you should always buy your products from a reputable company with 3rd party lab results. You’re able to find out what your product has been tested for, as well as the potency of each batch. This is because a product can either have very low traces of THC or can be found to be undetectable. Therefore, Delta-10, Delta-8, or any other form of THC can have low, non-detectable amounts of CBD.